The civil law is a branch of law characterized by the set of rules governing the rights and duties of private nature, it is related to people as members of society.

Basically human relationships are complex and need laws that regulate coexistence. Civil law is so important because it determines how people should relate to.

The daily life of society is driven by regulated standards by civil law, however not all are aware of their rights and duties as citizens, so it is necessary to contact a lawyer to assist the understanding and translation of the law.


The organization of a civilized society, although it has advanced in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, began in ancient Rome with rules that regulated the Roman law.

What was important was the permission of the implementation of content through agreement between features, adapted to the economic needs.

Civil Law X Public Law

Civil law regulates relations between features, regardless of whether the involved is physical or legal entity. Thus, it is possible to characterize as “Law of the citizen.”

The difference with regard to public law, is that the latter is collective interests, ie the administrative political structure. It is the case of public importance that guarantees individual rights and deters crimes.

Civil Code in Brazil

civil code is the set of rules that determine the rights and duties of people. It has the importance of balance and preserve justice for an egalitarian social life and less confusing.

In Brazil the first civil code was created by Clovis Beviláquia in 1916. The second was completely overhauled in 1969, during the period of military dictatorship. The third and current code was sanctioned in 2002 and entered into force in 2003, the main changes to reduce the age of majority, which went from 21 to 18 years, allowed the emancipation of parents of the children when the turn 16 , abolition of the word “man,” and substituting “person” among other changes.


  • Unattainable principle of family – recognizes the importance of the family unit for the training of citizens;
  • Principle of personality – ensures that every individual has recognized its existence, and with that comes rights and obligations;
  • Principle of freedom of choice – is taken into account the legal capacity of human beings to commit or refrain from certain acts, according to his will;
  • Principle of social solidarity – highlights the importance of social property and legal transactions, in order to reconcile the needs of the community with particular interests;
  • Principle of individual property – supports the idea that the individual, the result of his work or by legal means, to externalize their personality through movable or immovable property, which will become part of your estate;
  • Principle of inheritance legitimacy and the right to test – guarantees the individual the right to dispose of their property and transfer, in whole or in part to their heirs.