The criminal business law is a branch of criminal law that operates in the business environment. With the expansion of criminal law it was possible to meet the demands of specific way, as in the case of companies, which can commit various crimes, for example, tax crimes, environmental, against the consumer, financial, among others. Need of a corporate lawyer service.

With the high standard of production and consumption situated in modernity, the companies have grown absurdly, occupying space and causing great social impact. It was also the globalization that enabled the connection of several countries to perfect the production and sales. The business lawyer should know all too well what happens in the company, such as the balance sheet, steps of the production process, procedure for obtaining financial resources, environmental permits, insurance contracts and more.

In addition to knowing the company, the corporate lawyer must meet other branches of law such as corporate law, employment law, tax law, consumer law, civil law, among others.


The criminal business law emerges as a form of protection these new legal rights, aiming to restrain conduct that could jeopardize the organization.

Brazil recently came across two environmental crimes and the damage caused by a company. This caused deaths and destruction in nature, and, of course, result in a negative image for the company and hurt the businesses that end up being secondary problems facing the criminal scale.

Another case that was highlighted nationally was the slave labor performed by several powerful brands in the market. This damages the Brazilian constitution and all human principles established by international UN.

Do not think that only companies that came out in the media commit corporate crimes, every organization is subject to be processed, especially when there is a preventive legal work quality.

Many business crimes are being exposed, so the term Compliance, which oversees transgressions committed by any employee, including the board has been gaining attention in the legal environment.